27 thoughts on “Anti-Gay Ugandan Priests – “Eat Da Poo Poo” – Unintentionally Hilarious

  1. Are you gay?
    You seem to be posting a lot of pro gay material on your site. One gets the impression you’re trying to insinuate that homosexuality might be compatible with Islamic teachings?
    Not saying it doesn’t exist in the Muslim world, but saying that homosexuality is not allowed in most major world religions doesn’t equal ‘ignorance’ or ‘bigotry’.
    I find it a little disturbing that you mix this stuff in with Muslim leaning articles. It seems like an attempt to make gay okay within Islam. It might exist, just like murder and adultery, still doesn’t make it okay.
    I don’t think Muslims need to be apologists in general, but certainly never for this issue.

    • For all three people in the world who might be interested, please note that I am not gay. I’m straight. Regardless of your opinions on homosexuality, one must admit this video and the comment made within it are quite ignorant no? [That’s also what makes it so funny.]

    • “Are you gay?” is probably one of the most annoying retorts a homophobe is wont to use. And I don’t see what your religion has got to do with anything. Homosexuality might very well be compatible with Islamic teachings, according to some schools of thought (look it up, and don’t bother trying to attack those ideas here; I’m merely pointing out that such people *do* exist), and what’s ignorant and bigoted is implying that just because you happen to follow some religion (that also says evolution is bullsh*t and that sperm comes from between one’s ribcage and their spine, among other such unscientific nonsense, but I digress), just because you happen to follow such a religion does NOT at ALL give you the right to tell two consenting adults what they can and cannot do in the privacy of their bedroom.

      And I really find it sickening that you compare homosexuality to “murder”. You sound like an intelligent person; it’s a shame religion is turning you into such a hateful, intolerant bigot.

      “I don’t think Muslims need to be apologists in general” — I’m not going to discuss this here, but I disagree HUGELY, GREATLY with that assertion. Especially if you lot want homosexuals put to death. (and don’t tell me that’s not true; I was born a Muslim, you know. I guess that means I should be put to death too.)

      • Your adrenal glands could be said to come from between your ribcage and spine. These glands are responsible for the hormonal output necessary for sperm production, and for egg production.
        I’m not discussing what one should do with homosexuals, and I don’t like the idea of putting someone to death because of their sexual practices, but at the same time I think it’s just stupid how far this pro gay brainwashing crap has come. Enough is enough. This is ridiculous.
        You will see so many studies and other nonsense backing this up, no academic will speak up for fear of being branded a ‘bigot’ or a ‘homophobe’ by the rabid masses…the same unthinking masses who would have gladly lynched homosexuals a hundred years ago. You don’t think for yourselves, you just led popular opinion guide your misplaced anger and confused desire for equality and justice. For the love of God.
        I don’t care what people do behind closed doors, personally. I don’t care if you like to do it with monkeys or with elephants or horses or the same sex.
        What I do have a problem with, is how this nonsensical behaviour is being PUSHED on people as TRUTH and COMMON SENSE, and anyone who speaks up about how illogical it is is immediately branded and reviled.
        Please. The argument against homosexuality is not merely a religious one. It’s a scientific one, it’s a logical one, it’s a PRO HUMAN one. Think about it.

    • Re: “It might exist, just like murder and adultery, still doesn’t make it okay.” Are you plainly naive or merely out of sync with this world?
      I am a fierce gay Pakistani, born Muslim. And Muslims have MUCH to apologize for – not just their support for radicalism and militancy – but the abuse of human rights ingrained in religious practice. Rarely have minorities – women, persons of darker color, homosexuals, persons with lesser incomes – been secure in Islamic countries or states.
      What a shame.

      • If this is your understanding of Islam, it’s rather perplexing to me why would still, apparently, self identify with it.
        If you have a such a bad opinion of something, why cling to it? Islam doesn’t need you. Rather, if you look into it, you’re the one who needs it.
        So move along and pick some other religion, more watered down, more in fashion, more aligned to the current, pop culture trends of today.

    • “Your adrenal glands could be said to come from between your ribcage and spine. These glands are responsible for the hormonal output necessary for sperm production, and for egg production.”

      Woah woah woah wait, you’re actually saying the “scientific” claims in the Quran are VALID? Do you really want to go there?

      And, I don’t know if you speak Arabic or not, but the verse *clearly* says Wa khalaqnaahu *MIN* maa2in daafiq(in), yakhruju min bayni ssulbi wat taraa2ib(i). It clearly says humans were created FROM this fluid, not that it stimulates the production of the gametes from whence they come. In fact, it’s understandable why Muhammad would say such a thing; it was a common belief at the time, thanks to early Greek scientists.

      Now this word twisting is characteristic of people who want to “prove” the “miraculousness” of the Quran. That’s the how the word for flatten (dahaa) (used in the Quran for what God “did” to planet earth), suddenly starts meaning “made into an ostrich egg-like shape”, just because an ostrich “flattens” the piece of earth where it lays its eggs. Unbelievable. That’s actually one of the reasons the Arabic language is so beautiful; you can do all sorts of crazy stuff with its roots. It’s so versatile.

      Besides, the adrenal glands don’t produce those hormones! The ovary and the testes do!


      “and I don’t like the idea of putting someone to death because of their sexual practices”

      Woohoo, you have officially disagreed with Allah. Nice going, there.

      “I don’t care what people do behind closed doors, personally. I don’t care if you like to do it with monkeys or with elephants or horses or the same sex.”

      That’s great, because that’s the point, really. You can hate them all you want, but as long as you don’t start calling for them to be imprisoned and executed, all is well.

      “What I do have a problem with, is how this nonsensical behaviour is being PUSHED on people as TRUTH and COMMON SENSE, and anyone who speaks up about how illogical it is is immediately branded and reviled.”

      You’re talking about anal sex here, remember that. And besides, there are LOTS of people who HATE (I’m assuming you don’t; you just find their “behavior” “nonsensical”) homosexuals. More media coverage of homosexuals could counter that. And that’s a good thing. No one’s gonna FORCE you to “be” gay, you know.

      And, tell me, how do you feel about homosexual romantic (nonsexual) love?

      “Please. The argument against homosexuality is not merely a religious one. It’s a scientific one, it’s a logical one, it’s a PRO HUMAN one. Think about it.”

      All the scientific organizations I know of recognize homosexuality as normal. All the positivist (I’m assuming that’s what you mean by logical) schools of thought I’ve read about recognize it as normal. All the humanist organizations (the secular ones) I know of recognize it as normal. It’s just religious leaders who don’t. But then again, they think evolution is “illogical” and “unscientific”, so I really don’t care what they think.

      And please, remember that homosexuality and anal sex are different things, and any argument you use against the latter would also apply for heterosexuals.

    • I believe umayrh meant he was *born* Muslim and then apostatized. A lot of Muslims do that, nowadays (myself included). I heard somewhere that around 10-15% of British Muslims desert their religion at some point. I live in an Arab country, and quite a few of my friends have lost their faith too.

      But then again, we’re all evil kuffaar who deserve to DIEEEEE

    • First off this “Preacher” is not even Muslim. He’s Ugandan which is 90% Christian. Second off, the homophobic fervor started in Uganda after European missionaries began spewing their hateful rhetoric to Ugandan preachers. Third off, there is a bill in the works in Uganda calling for the death penalty as punishment for homosexual behavior.

      Get educated, hate is never okay. Oh, and god’s not real.

      • So you can say for certainty that God’s not real, and you tell others to get educated? Wow, so you know everything then? Show us how you know everything and where God doesn’t exist in there. Sounds like you have a hate problem yourself.

  2. Nothing surprises me anymore (ie, in the behaviour he was describing, I would not be surprised if people actually do this).
    A human being’s anus is not an entrance, it is an exit. That is an anatomical fact. You can treat it like a receptacle if you so wish but rectal prolapse is imminent, as is the possibility of perforation, which can then lead to infection and other sorts of problems.
    So the pastor might have approached this subject with in perhaps a juvenile way, or a sensationalist way, but really…he has a point. There is nothing very enlightened or special about the way homosexuals have sex, it’s not like there is a special ‘body friendly’ way to do it. It is what it is….soemthing that doesn’t make any biological sense.
    Anal sex is not just confined to homosexuals, of course.

    • None of that is “imminent” unless you’re being penetrated by a drunk gorilla. If one is careful enough and uses sufficient lubrication, one can entirely avoid any rectal damage. Bacterial infections are all but an impossibility if you use good latex condoms.

      “He has a point”

      Oh really? That just because you personally find something disgusting, you should kill those people that do it? And even if you try to use the “But it’s risky behavior!” argument (and it is NOT, if you’re careful enough, and the same applies to vaginal intercourse anyway) you can’t outlaw it any more than you can outlaw junk food or Bungee jumping.

      “soemthing that doesn’t make any biological sense.” — I don’t know if you accept evolution or not. If you don’t, then it’s sufficient to point out that kissing and oral sex don’t “make any biological sense”, either (and if you’ve never done either, then you really are a sad, sad person!), but if you yourself know what “biological sense” is and do accept evolution, then look up “exaptation” and read about it.

      • I feel so very sorry for all the people pre-synthetic lubrication and pre latex condoms, who had to partake in this apparently natural and lovely activity for the sake of their innate urge for anal penetration. Your argument doesn’t make sense for people before the last hundred or so years. Especially in the days before modern day trauma care.
        It’s a lot more common than mass media would have you believe. Hang around an ER trauma center one of these days.
        Homosexuals kiss and have oral sex too. So do heterosexuals. This can be considered foreplay, which leads up to the act of INTERCOURSE. I don’t know what you consider sex, but humans need a little bit of warm up before embarking on the full glory ride. So obviously that is not a point of difference. The main point here is anal penetration versus vaginal penetration, one which can potentially yield offspring (why you are here today) and one which can potentially yield bacterial sepsis due to perforation. WOW. I wonder which one of those is more biologically conducive to propagating life on planet earth?!?!
        And the way people justify homosexuality, these arguments should pretty much apply universally. Not everyone has access to lubrication and condoms, as I said before. So then what? The vagina is made up of smooth muscle which stretches and is DESIGNED to accomodate the male penis. In most instances, it will NOT perforate.
        I’m very much aware of what exaptation is, and this argument will apply when colons somehow begin producing eggs and rectums magically transform into wombs. Right now….not so much. And homosexuality has been around for a mighty long time, you’d think if it were gonna happen it be on it’s way right about now, wouldn’t you?
        In short, no matter how much this pro gay movement is being pushed on the unthinking masses, how much media is devoted to brainwashing your piddly minds into accepting it as biologically in sync, with a little bit of using one’s own logic and mind, you will realize how ridiculous this is. Just use your brains.

    • “Your argument doesn’t make sense for people before the last hundred or so years.”

      Exactly why YOUR argument is irrelevant. We NOW have the ability to prevent all of that; a person who isn’t careful enough can only blame himself.

      “I wonder which one of those is more biologically conducive to propagating life on planet earth?!?!”

      First you said it didn’t “make biological sense” because getting penetrated isn’t what an anus is supposed to do. So I said that one’s mouth isn’t “designed” to perform oral sex either. You seem to be very supportive of the act, despite its biological “non-sensibility”.

      And by that line of thought, using a condom while having vaginal sex would also be a crime against humanity since it is not “conducive to propagating life on planet earth.”

      “Not everyone has access to lubrication and condoms, as I said before. So then what?”

      Then it would be a risky activity. Just like vaginal sex and its STDs, in fact. I’m not sure where I read this, or even if it’s true, but I heard using your spit could provide sufficient lubrication. Still, you’ve got infections to worry about (heck, just like heterosexual sex), but that’s not the point. The problem here is NOT anal sex, but the fact that these people don’t have access to condoms and lube. That’s what we should start tackling.

      “how much media is devoted to brainwashing your piddly minds into accepting it as biologically in sync”

      NONE of your arguments have anything to do with homosexuality, per se. You’re just pointing out that *anal sex* (oh, by the way, are you against straight couples having anal sex too?) CAN be harmful to people who MIGHT NOT have access to condoms and lube. In fact, there are a lot of homosexuals who actually OPPOSE anal sex, because it is “degrading” to the receptive partner. They advocate this sex practice called “frotting”. Look ’em up.

    • First off being gay I find watching the video offensive. Not just because of the childish way it’s portrayed. But the fact that I have never in all my years desired to have any sort of sex like what he described. I don’t care who you are there are extremes in sex. Now how come he didn’t show 2 girls one cup. A film filmed for straight men. I have never been into scat. There are ways to have gay sex and or anal sex if your straight. NONE OF THEM Normal sexual beings follow include scat. A human knows his or her body and if you don’t feel comfortable doing something (anal sex or any type of sex) You are not going to do it. Just because it is odd or deviant to you doesn’t mean you have to try and convince me how you feel about it. WHY?! Because I don’t feel odd or deviant. I feel natural. Just as natural as you feel when your attracted to someone is how I feel when I’m attracted to someone. I’m not disgusted by straight sex I think it’s beautiful. I think all sex between two consenting adults is and can be beautiful. Not once did he mention romance or feelings of love. It’s not all about sex. Sexuality is more similar than you think. There are people who fuck, people who make love and people who are into extremes. I don’t think that cast a wide false net is fair or honest because it’s not. This is a SPIN. He found the most obscure offensive porn he could find. That’s not a Falcon or other mainstream movie he used. It was an extreme and then he placed it in front of his audience as fact. If that’s how you take your info from half truths and twists. Then please keep your misinformed self from infecting others like this priest. Basically Your Lumping all people from a group into a catergory. Hitler did that. Now this guy and sadly this is a common problem in Africa that leads to genocide. THIS IS HOW IT STARTS and if you can’t see that or understand it your fool.

  3. I love how he tells the kids to leave the room after describing homosexual sex acts in detail. Way to go pastor.

  4. ummm…i am gay, and i have never partaken in, or heard of that, not all of us are degenerates, “eating da poo poo”
    that is just disturbing
    although this guy’s ignorance did make me laugh
    besides, at least we are not eating anything that smells like dead rotting fish, lolz
    just kidding straight people

  5. D’oh! I just reread my comments and I realized what sick kind of a pretentious bastard I am for writing two comments totally contradictory to each other so now I feel the need to write another one to neutralize the level of my stupidity I have put on display over here.

    1. I pointlessly brought Islam in and tried to spark off Wajahat, sounding like a total jerk while ignoring the fact that religional premise has nothing to do with one’s sexual oreintation but I failed terribly anyway and Wajahat responded back very calmly with a slap right in my face. .

    2. I approved the idea of shoving stuff up an anus, probaly satirically but I forgot that I was already pointing at Wajahat’s making fun of this practice and then I went on talking about rectums and rectal prolapsed and other smart sounding biological terms to actually sound rhetoric and cool but I took it too far and wrote stuff which has absolutely nothing to do with the subject. And then I broke the news to the entire world that anal sex is not practiced only in homosexuality, few people like the idea of strap-ons too. I am a bit off topic here too but I trying to hint something here. If you know what I mean.

    • HAHA hilarious!
      1. ‘Religonal premise’ might have nothing to do with sexual orientation, but it’s rather interesting how much homosexuality is talked about in this website, which is marketed with something of an Islamic slant. Technical hilarities are GREAT, but people can read between the lines!
      2. Again, reading between the lines! Don’t think Wajahat was pro the Ugandan anti gay priests! I think he was pro making fun of the Ugandan anti gay priests for condemming homosexuality, even if it was in a comedic, clumsy way. I was merely saying that while it’s easy to make fun of dweebs, I can see their point, and it’s not wrong!
      I wish I had the comedic talent you obviously have to write such a sarcastically saturated funny there, but alas I do not.
      If Wajahat (and also you, apparently) are so comfortable with this subject, and I’m such a jerk loser for asking the question, why the reaction?
      A slap that doth protesteth too much.

      • I just have to remark on your wonderful post, once more. It’s such a testament to creative heckling, I couldn’t help reading it once more.
        Where I asininely used biological terms to sound rhetoric and cool, you used an inpenetrable wall of superbly constructed sarcasm to sound rhetoric and cool…par excellence.
        I always applaud creativity and originality, and while you’re no means a virtuoso, in comparison to the rest of the attempts at refutation- it’s refreshing. Hats off.
        Where I would suggest some work, is where you concentrate too much upon my casual banter and proclivity to digress- it’s a fault, I admit, when I am lazily perusing blogs. I fail to muster up the effor you clearly did to create such a piece. It’s a piece, it really is. If you could insert a few valid counter arguments in there, maybe even just one really good one, I cannot assure you enough how supremely cool your post would be.
        But, I honestly do appreciate that inventive little gem there, otherwise I would not have bothered to come back and write this.

  6. Please God let the world EVOLVE and WAKE UP! I can not believe how much attention homosexuality gets when there are so many more important, significant and dangerous things going on in the world that need our attention. Why does anyone care what two other human beings are doing to express LOVE. If it isn’t for you, then don’t do it. End of story. If you are worried about their individual soul and their eternal life after death, that is not your business, that is between them and their God, so butt out.
    How can you believe that it is ok to kill other humans in the name of God and then condemn those that are expressing love for each other just because they share the same gender?? That is so backwards thinking I can’t even believe there is so much ignorance in this world. It truly is scary. I say LOVE IS GOD, HATE IS EVIL…PERIORD!

  7. to whoever posted those pro muslim comments at the top about sperm and the ribcage and shit. you say that homosexuality is illogical.

    what i find illogical is that islam, as much as other religions if not more, is illogical. islam teaches that homosexuality is wrong, yet it also teaches that allah created everything and everything is sacred because of that.

    if allah thinks homosexuals are wrong, why did he create them? you can call homosexuality wrong, you can call it many things and have a point because of your opinion. however if allah created everything, he created homosexuality, and not just in humans. look it up, there are hundreds of known species that exhibit homosexual behaviours, both sexual and romantic as such. some animals even forming lifelong mates with other animals of the same sex. if allah created the world and people and the world and people are sacred, surely to avoid hypocrisy homosexual men, women, and children are also sacred.

    i find a religion that condemns the sacred high illogical.

    • Dear LLewelyn,
      The answer on your problem is very simply: God or Allah, does not exist.
      Be free, think free!
      Do not allow preachers, priests or imams to have an hold on you with their fantasies.It is all fake…

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