A Muslim Man’s response to “A Few Good Muslim Men”

Azaad Raha responding to the now famous “A Few Good Muslim Men” article


“Under thy nose” by AZAAD RAHA

“Where have the good Muslim men gone?”In the league table of futile statements, this surely ranks up there.


Because aside from being defeatist and self-delusional, this statement exemplifies the very mindset which is the principle reason why so many Muslim women are single in the first place.

Let me explain.

First, to really appreciate this statement and all that it represents, you have to consider both the context in which it is uttered, and the reasoning behind it. The context is sadly an increasingly common one – namely an increase in the number of single, thirty-something Muslim women, who are finding it difficult to get married. It is heartbreaking, and represents a failure on an individual and community level. They are our sisters, our daughters, and our friends. We feel for them, but it is also the time for some home truths. Continue reading


***[ Dear Goatmilk Readers, What are your thoughts on this piece? Feel free to sound off in the comments.]***

By SONDOS KHOLOKI-KAHF, Staff Writer, IN Focus Magazine

Afaf*, 25, has been searching for a husband for a solid two years to no avail.

“All my friends were getting married by the age of 22, so, naturally, I wanted to be part of the ‘wedding club,’” she recalls. “And, of course, there was this romantic notion that it would be the love story of love stories.”

Afaf started feeling the pressure as her friends talked endlessly about wedding dresses, halal caterers and honeymoons, even though she had not been planning on getting married while in college. Continue reading